Ukraine Resources

Ireland’s response to the situation in Ukraine

You can find information below on the supports and services available while you are in Ireland, including a national helpdesk to assist Ukrainian students and researchers seeking to continue their education here: email at NS********* or by phone on 01 474 7788.

Supports for Ukrainians in Ireland

This page lists organisations that are helping people who have come to Ireland from Ukraine. You can also read about how to get state supports, including immigration status, social welfare and healthcare.

What is the Benefit of Work Estimator ?
The benefit of work estimator for jobseeker and one parent family payments shows how starting work or increasing your hours could affect your payment. The estimate will include income from your employment and any social welfare payments you may still be entitled to.

Employability West Cork

We are a free, government funded, service that supports job seekers and employers. We are locally based and have a long track record of supporting people in to the work they want. Find your local Job Coach and give us a call.

SWIFT Integration is a multilingual mobile app that provides clear and concise information and supports that aim to enhance integration outcomes of those settling in Ireland. The app provides information on a whole range of areas such as social welfare supports, healthcare, education, employment, and accommodation among others.

Further Education & Training Course Hub

Further Education and Training or FET, offers a wide variety of life-long education options to anyone over 16. FET includes apprenticeships, traineeships, Post Leaving Cert (PLC) courses, community and adult education as well as core literacy and numeracy services. FET courses and programmes are provided through the Education and Training Board network throughout the country as well as through other local providers including online through SOLAS’ eCollege. FET courses are provided at levels one to six on the  National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).

Welcome to Qualifax

Qualifax is Ireland’s National Learners’ Database and is the “one stop shop” for learners and the public.   Comprehensive, annually updated information is provided about further and higher education and training options in Ireland and further afield. Articles and links are also provided to assist students, jobseekers, parents, guidance professionals and graduates to make informed choices for education, training and career pathways.


Ukrainian children today have witnessed the terrible reality of war. Their childhood is now being spent in fear, hiding in shelters, on the move, or in a new country. It causes great stress not only for children but also for parents and caregivers.

As a host to a new family or as a family who has newly arrived in Ireland, below are useful Ukrainian resources that will help distract and comfort children during this distressing time.

